
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Close Encounters...

....of the CHEMICAL kind.

On January 12 (yes...I am FINALLY catching up on blog posts!), we had a special visit from The Science Alliance.  We witnessed fantastic chemical reaction experiments that dazzled us!  Check out some pictures below. 

Whoa!  He must have a cold face!

Yikes!  Amazing!

Our very own Ayreal even had the chance to color a chapstick picture on goldenrod paper.  When she soaked it with Windex, a very interesting reaction happened!

 Science is AMAZING!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Investigating Solids

In our new FOSS curriculum there are some pretty cool hands-on activities.  We have already spent some time investigating the properties of liquids and are learning vocabulary words like transparent, translucent, viscous, and colorless.  Now, we are onto investigating the various properties of solids.  First, we took some time to check out a few solids that can behave like liquids.  Then, we mixed them all up into a "dry soup mix."  The students' challenge was to separate the five different solids using only some screens and their hands.  Check out the picture below:

Here are some of the conclusions we came to:
*Some solids are made up of different sized particles.
*You can use screens or your hands to separate a mixture of solids.

What fun! :)