
Tour the Classroom...

What makes our room work?  Check out the postings below to get to know our room!

 Welcome to Mrs. Mayne's second grade classroom!  Below you will find a short picture tour of our room.  These images display some of the basic areas of our room.  We have discussed the importance and use of these areas since the first day of school!

 This picture shows our classroom library.  This ever-growing collection of books is organized in a few ways.  First fiction books are kept in the white bins and non-fiction books are kept in the blue bins.  Then, the books are organized into bins according to author, genre, and topic.  The students are responsible for the maintenance of our library and are constantly helping me figure out where new additions belong!
 Students use the classroom library all day and every day!  They browse the bins during free time. They fill their book boxes here.  They sit in the library and work.  This is a major part of our room!

This is our large group space in the room.  We begin each and every day here on the carpet in front of the SMARTboard.  This space is conducive to large group work because of the resources that surround it: bookshelves, individual whiteboards, wall space for anchor charts, an easel, and the SMARTboard.  It's also a great place to work or lay down with a good book!

 This clip chart is our new behavior system this year (And I must credit it's development to this blog and this blog.  Mrs. Adams helped me figure it all out, too!).  I moved to this new system this year because I like how it acknowledges students who are making good choices for themselves.  This chart is displayed on an easel between our library and large group meeting space.  It's easily accessible so students can "clip up" or "clip down" when they need to.
 Please watch this page of the blog for a post on how the clip chart works!

 In this photo, you can get an idea of how are desks are arranged.  Throughout the year we will rearrange our desks and change this up!  I love having desks because the kids can work as a group OR as individuals.  This picture also shows our word wall on the right and our sink!
 One more view of the classroom library under the whiteboard.  Check out that cute and comfy couch for reading!
The final picture displays our guided reading area and some storage.  Every day I will gather reading groups around the kidney bean table to work on reading comprehension, strategies, genre studies, word work, and all kinds of reading fun!