
Sunday, December 18, 2011


Our newest display outside the classroom is pictured below.  It is our appeal to whoever is in charge of winter and made it so late this year!

We made these snowmen so that they are looking up to the sky--as if saying, "Let it snow!"  The kids had a GREAT time making the scarves using a soda-straw weaving technique.  I promised the kids I would put a link on the blog that explains how to do this so that they could give it a shot at home (these can be great bracelets, scarves, belts, etc - and can be good holiday gifts, too!).  So, click here if you would like to view the a tutorial on soda-straw weaving (scroll down a bit to see the video).  The hardest part of this is the assembly.  After they got the hang of the weaving pattern, that part went very quickly!

The writing component of this project was equally fun!  As we explore the 6 + 1 traits of writing I like to do some fun projects.  This one involved "word choice."  We looked at the carol, "Let it Snow," and decided that we could tweak some of the word choices to make it a little more interesting than the traditional version.  Here are a few examples of our results!

I love how they all turned out!  And I hope our appeal works!  Let it snow!

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