
Wednesday, September 7, 2011


As you are already aware of, I am taking some time off during the month of September.  I am so lucky and excited to get to spend some more time at home with Addie while also continuing to work in the classroom during our morning literacy block!  I would like to take some time to introduce you all to Mrs. Karen Tuten, my long-term substitute who is teaching during the afternoons.  Mrs. Tuten has prepared the following introduction:

I earned my teaching degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and began my teaching career in 5th grade at Holy Trinity School in Oconto, WI.  After that first year, I taught 2nd grade for two years in the Oconto Public School System.  Then Fort Atkinson became our home, and  I was hired to teach Grade 2 right here at Barrie School.   I then stayed home to raise two wonderful boys, David and Tommy.  In 1999 I was hired as a 4th grade teacher at Barrie and “retired” as a 4th grade teacher in 2009.
Presently, I am an Instructional Aide at Purdy School in the mornings, and am really enjoying being Mrs. Mayne’s long-term substitute for the month of September.  I look so very forward to meeting all of you.

Mrs. Tuten is responsible for the teaching and learning in the afternoons, including science, math, handwriting, and guidance.  I am so excited to have her in our room since she is a veteran second grade teacher.  We take much time during the week to touch base and check in about things going on in the classroom.  I already know that our partnership will be wildly successful!

I will resume teaching full-time on Monday, October 3.  If you have any questions for either Mrs. Tuten or me, please let us know!  And welcome Mrs. Tuten!

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