
Friday, September 2, 2011

Leap Into Learning!

We made this bulletin board on the first day of school!  The students wrote about and illustrated what they are excited to LEAP back into at school!
As the bulletin board outside our classroom says, it's that time of year again to leap back into learning!  Our first two days of school provided lots of opportunities to get back into the swing of school things.  We unpacked backpacks, packed desks, played some get-to-know-you games, toured the room, reviewed some math, began a writing project, and much more!  So far, I think we are off to a fantastic start!

On a different note, I'd like to thank you for checking into our classroom blog.  I am brand new to the blogging world, but have done a lot of blog surfing over the summer.  The accessibility of a blog allows me to share MORE of our room MORE often, and I love that!  I will post as frequently as I can (between work, baby, and grad school! :))  - I am aiming for two to three new posts each week.  Lastly, please bear with me as I learn about this new tool, and as always, please let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns about our blog.  Now, go surf!

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